Eden Hazard FIFA 20EA Sports

What is the FIFA draft? Best tips for FIFA 20 FUT success

FIFA Ultimate Team is the most popular game mode every year and FIFA 20 is no different. Ultimate Team allows players to build their own custom squads, created around certain leagues or nationalities, meaning that you can have Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi on the same team and compete against people worldwide or in offline play.

For many players, signing Ronaldo or Messi to their Ultimate Team is not immediately possible as you have to earn enough coins to buy them or be lucky enough to open them in a pack from the store. However, Draft mode gives people the chance to play with some of the game's biggest and best players or even road-test some top names before spending the coins to add them to your squad.

The FIFA Draft includes every high-rated player in the game, including ICONs and special edition players like Team of the Year or Team of the Season.

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How do you play FIFA Draft?

To play FIFA Draft, you need at least one draft token. Each token provides entry to one Draft Tournament, where you will use the same squad for the duration of the tournament. However, you can tweak your starting XI between each game and use some of your bench or reserve players.

FIFA Draft can be played online against other draft teams or offline. The rewards are greater for playing online, but the opponents will be more difficult as they will also be competing with their draft squads.

The FIFA Draft competition is a knockout tournament, meaning that as soon as you lose, you are eliminated from the competition. Drawn matches will go to extra-time and then penalties to determine a winner.

You can get draft tokens as rewards in packs, by purchasing them with in-game coins or else by using FIFA points. A FIFA Draft token costs 15,000 coins or 300 FIFA points for Online and 7,500 coins or 150 FIFA Points for Single Player



How do you create the best FIFA Draft squad?

When starting a FIFA Draft, you will be initially asked to choose a formation from a list of five. Choosing one with wingers or wide players usually allows for a better variety of players to be chosen in draft as playing players out of position negatively affects chemistry. It is recommended to choose a formation you are familiar with or one that suits your playing style.

Once your formation is chosen, you will be asked to choose a captain from a list of five players. This will be one of the highest-rated players in your squad and could be one of the best players in the game. It is important to choose the right captain as this usually determines the theme of your squad in order to maximise chemistry. Choosing ICON players will help balance chemistry as they will have a good link with all other players in the game, regardless of league.

Click on every other position in your starting XI to be offered a choice of five players for that position. Sometimes it is better not to pick the highest-rated player for each position as, if you do this, it can be hard to create chemistry between the players. Ideally, each player should link to a player from the same nationality or same league.

Your starting XI will likely have weak spots in certain positions, but these can be improved by drafting well when you select players for your bench and reserves, choosing 23 players in total to complete your squad. When you have selected all your players, you can shuffle your team and change positions to help improve the starting XI further. Choose a manager from the list of five to complete the draft.

At the end of the draft, you will be given a draft results screen with a total score - this is your chemistry and overall rating combined. The overall rating is determined by the players in the starting XI and on your bench and does not include your reserves. However, players in the reserves can be moved to the bench or the starting XI as you progress in the tournament.

What are the FIFA Draft Rewards?

As the FIFA Draft is a knockout tournament, your level of rewards improves the further you advance. You can play a maximum of four games including the Draft final, which offers the best rewards. One defeat means your tournament is over, or else if you win the tournament outright.

To enter another draft, you will need another draft token. Winning one tournament does not automatically earn free entry to another. If you lose your first game in the tournament, you will still get rewards. The rewards in online tournaments are greater than offline. Single Player Draft rewards are not determined by difficulty level.

You will receive a number of packs, coins and draft tokens as rewards depending on your progress, with zero wins usually giving a small few basic gold or silver packs. The rewards are random at each level, but the more wins you get, the better rewards you will receive.

Winning all four games in the draft tournament will earn Mega, Jumbo or Premium Gold Packs and often 25,000 or more coins. Draft token packs are sometimes given out as rewards if you win none or just one of your games, meaning you can enter another FIFA Draft for free.

The table below shows the average reward value of the packs earned at each stage of the draft competition. As these are random, it is possible you could receive better packs for two wins than three wins.

Draft TypeWinsAverage Reward Value
Single Player05,000-12,500
Single Player110,000-15,000
Single Player215,000-17,500
Single Player317,500-40,000
Single Player420,000-50,000

Once the tournament is over, you will lose all the players used the squad for the tournament. The only rewards you get to keep are the packs or coins earned at the end of the tournament.
