Football Manager 2025, or FM25, will not be happening as Sports Interactive and SEGA have decided to cancel the release of this edition and instead focus on the next release.
Football Manager 2024 was the most-played edition of the series, a testament to the enduring appeal of taking the reins and making decisions on the imagined futures of the most famous football teams in the world.
Here, GOAL brings you everything you need to know about the now-defunct Football Manager 2025 game, including getting your refund if you pre-ordered the game, and more.
Why was Football Manager 2025 release cancelled?
Following multiple delays, FM25 was finally set to be released in March 2025. However, in a statement released on their website, Football Manager went on to explain the delays and the decision to eventually scrap the release altogether.
"Each decision to delay the release was made with the aim of getting the game closer to the desired level but, as we approached critical milestones at the turn of the year, it became unmistakably clear that we would not achieve the standard required, even with the adjusted timeline," read the statement.
All versions are cancelled and FM25 will not be released on any platforms.
When will Football Manager 2026 be released?
It is expected that FM2026 will released in the final quarter of 2025, around the start of the 2025/26 football season.
How to obtain a refund for FM2025 pre-orders?
Pre-purchase orders for Football Manager 25 will automatically be refunded in full if purchased through an official SEGA-approved retailer. Retailers will process refunds in due course, for any enquiries please contact your point of purchase.
Will there be an FM24 update with 2024/25 season data?
While there have been team and player updates on FM2024, Live Starts is not expected to be available until perhaps the release of FM2026. That being said, there is no official confirmation from Sports Interactive about whether or not Live Starts will be added for FM2024.
Will FM24 remain playable on subscription platforms?
Discussions with various platform partners and licensors to hopefully extend FM24 agreements are underway and an update on this should be provided in due course.
Which consoles will Football Manager 2026 be playable on?
Sports Interactive and Sega had announced that Football Manager 25 was set to be launched on PC/Mac and Mobile via Netflix, while FM 25 Console would have been released on Xbox One, Series X/S and PS5. There are no confirmations yet about the consoles FM2026 will be released on.
What new features did Football Manager 2025 boast of?
New UI and Unity Engine
Powered by the transition to the Unity engine, FM25 was to represent the most significant technical and visual leap forward for the series in a generation.
The user interface in FM25 was mulled to have undergone a complete redesign, drawing on insights into how different types of players engage with the game - resulting in a smoother, more intuitive experience without sacrificing depth or detail.
Enhanced graphics and new volumetric player animations sourced from real football matches were another parameter to bring fans closer to the action on Matchdays than ever before.
Women's Football introduced to FM25
A landmark feature in FM25 is the debut of Women’s Football, seamlessly integrated into the game alongside the men's version in a unified ecosystem. Players can now explore new frontiers in the women’s game, while the men's side benefits from deeper immersion, thanks to SI's new multi-year collaboration with the Premier League.
Miles Jacobson, the Sports Interactive Studio Director, expressed his excitement about the announcement of Football Manager 25: "It’s a great honour today to be confirming the forthcoming release of Football Manager 25.
"As I’ve mentioned in interviews and development updates, the FM25 cycle has been challenging for the entire SI team.
"FM25 is just the starting point for the studio’s next 20, 30 years. It’s also the point where the world gets to see two of our multi-year projects come to fruition: the switch to the Unity engine and the introduction of Women’s Football. It gives us a real sense of achievement to begin sharing our hard work with you and we're really looking forward to showing you more of the game in the weeks before the game’s release."
It might just be the case in FM2026 now.
Premier League x Football Manager
In June 2024, it was announced that the Premier League was officially coming to Football Manager. Of course, you could always manage Premier League teams, but, unlike, say the Bundesliga, there were no official logos and so forth. That's about the change.
No international management
While it is not a new feature, it was confirmed that international management will not be a playable mode in FM25, FM25 Console, or FM25 Touch, but it will be available on FM25 Mobile. It will return for Football Manager 2026, so don't fret.
Jacobson explained the decision in a post on the official Football Manager website, saying: "We’ve looked really hard at international management in FM and determined that what we were planning to deliver wouldn’t reach our initial quality threshold.
"We also considered the available game data. Only 5.6% of all FM24 PC saves have used the mode, which we feel validates our view that we need to do much, much better with the experience. That number is even smaller on the Console.
"So, rather than delay FM25 even further, we’ve paused work on that area of the game and allocated those resources to other key areas. It will continue to exist in FM25, FM25 Console, and FM25 Touch as part of the wider simulation of world football, it just won’t be playable."